SPME操作平臺(含15ml瓶架)/15ml固相微萃取操作平臺簡介:美國Supelco公司專利產品-固相微萃取(Solid Phase Micro Extraction),1994年獲美國匹茲堡分析儀器會議R&D100項革新大獎,是一種應現(xiàn)代儀器的要求而產生的樣品前處理新技術,幾乎克服了以往一些傳統(tǒng)樣品處理技術的所有缺點,集采樣、萃取、濃縮、進樣于一體,便于攜帶,真正實現(xiàn)樣品的現(xiàn)場采集和富集,能夠與氣相、氣相-質譜、液相、液相-質譜儀聯(lián)用,有手動或自動兩種操作方式,讓更多的分析工作者從重復、煩瑣的操作中解脫出來。廣泛應用于環(huán)保及水質處理、臨床藥理、公安案件分析、制藥、化工、國防等領域。固相微萃取(SPME)非常小巧,狀似一只色譜注射器,由手柄(Holder)和萃取頭或纖維頭(Fiber)兩部分構成。萃取頭是一根外套不銹鋼細管的1cm長、涂有不同色譜固定相或吸附劑的熔融石英纖維頭,纖維頭在不銹鋼管內可自由伸縮,用于萃取、吸附樣品;手柄用于安裝或固定萃取頭,可永久使用。SPME操作平臺(含15ml瓶架)/15ml固相微萃取操作平臺?典型應用:* 表面活性劑* 環(huán)境水樣* 食品、香精、香料* 法庭樣品* 血、尿和體液中藥物* 聚合物和固樣中痕量雜質(頂空方式)* 藥物中殘留溶劑* 氣體硫化物及揮發(fā)物(VOC)
◆劑量率:0.001-110.0mR/hr或0.01-1100μSV/ hr
◆計數(shù):CPM :0-350,000或CPS:0-3,500總數(shù):1-9,999,000
◆精度:±10% 典型值 ±15% 最大(mR/Hr和μSV/ hr模式下)
◆電源:9V 堿性電池,一般背景水平下可用2160小時;1mR/Hr靜音時可用625小時
圖形液晶,全中文顯示 ·功能眾多,菜單操作 ·內置實時時鐘,為存儲、標定 ·和記事等提供時間基準 ·內置大容量存儲器,隨時存儲 ·自動測量/手動輸入溫度 ·特有的純水,加氨超純水25℃折算 ·超純水自動溫度補償 ·微處理器智能化設計 | ·可手動輸入零點、斜率 ·沒有可調器件、旋紐和波段開 ·關,更加穩(wěn)定。 ·外殼采用增強ABS ·防水、防濕氣侵蝕,堅固耐用。 ·線路板與表殼沒有任何連線 ·選配打印機T-LAB通訊及數(shù)據(jù)處理軟件 ·在微機上進行連續(xù)記錄和后期處理 |
HT/HT-Z系列電磁隔膜計量泵性能參數(shù)表 | |||||||
產品名稱 | 流量(L/h) | 壓力(Bar) | 口徑(mm) | 沖程頻率(次/分鐘) | 功率(W) | 電壓(V) | 重量(kg) |
SDP-E0.5/12 | 0.5 | 12 | 6 | 120 | 35 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E01/12 | 1 | 12 | 6 | 120 | 35 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E03/8 | 3 | 8 | 6 | 120 | 46 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E05/4 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 120 | 46 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E07/4 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 120 | 46 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E10/3 | 10 | 3 | 6 | 120 | 46 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E12/2 | 12 | 2 | 6 | 120 | 50 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E14/2 | 14 | 2 | 6 | 120 | 50 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E18/2 | 18 | 2 | 6 | 120 | 50 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E20/1.2 | 20 | 1.2 | 6 | 120 | 50 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E25/1.2 | 25 | 1.2 | 6 | 120 | 50 | 220 | 2.8 |
SDP-E手動型:可調節(jié)沖程長度0-100%,可調節(jié)沖程頻率0-100%,可選液位開關功能。 | |||||||
SDP-EZ自動型:擁有手動功能外,可接受外部模擬量信號、脈沖信號進行自動控制 |
SDP-E系列電磁隔膜計量泵材質表 | |||||
配件名稱 Part name | 過流部分材質 Over-current part | ||||
泵頭材質 Pump head | 聚丙烯(RPP) | 聚氯乙烯(PVC) | 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF) | SS304 | SS316 |
隔膜材質 Diaphragm | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE |
閥座材質 Valve seat | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE | 聚四氟乙烯PTFE | 316不銹鋼 | 316不銹鋼 |
閥球材質 Valve ball | 陶瓷ceramic | 陶瓷ceramic | 陶瓷ceramic | 陶瓷ceramic | 陶瓷ceramic |
吸入管 Inlet pipe | PVC/PE | PVC/PE | PE/PVDF | PE/PVDF | PE/PVDF |
吐出管 Outlet pipe | PE | PE | PE/PVDF | PE/PVDF | PE/PVDF |
產品特點Product features
.先進的結構緊湊牢固、使用壽命更長。.泵體選用優(yōu)質的工程塑料,耐腐蝕性能更優(yōu)秀.泵頭可選擇PVDF/RPP/PVC/SUS304/SUS316等材質應用范圍更廣。.加強型PTFE-橡膠多層復合隔膜、完全無泄漏、使用更放心。.運行或停泵時可進行0-100%的流量精確調節(jié)。.模塊化設計、保養(yǎng)維護更容易。產品應用Product application
HL系列機械隔膜計量泵性能參數(shù)表 | ||||||
產品名稱 | 流量(L/h) | 壓力(Mpa) | 口徑(mm) | 電機功率(W) | 電壓(V) | 重量(kg) |
HL13/1.0 | 13 | 1 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 40 | 380/220 | 5.8 |
HL26/1.0 | 26 | 1 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 40 | 380/220 | 5.8 |
HL40/1.0 | 40 | 1 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 40 | 380/220 | 5.8 |
HL55/1.0 | 55 | 1 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 40 | 380/220 | 5.8 |
HL70/0.5 | 70 | 0.5 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 60 | 380/220 | 5.8 |
HL100/0.3 | 100 | 0.3 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 60 | 380/220 | 5.8 |
HL128/0.3 | 128 | 0.3 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 60 | 380/220 | 5.8 |
HL-A150/0.3 | 150 | 0.3 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 60 | 380 | 6 |
HL-A170/0.3 | 170 | 0.3 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 60 | 380 | 6 |
HL-A200/0.3 | 200 | 0.3 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 60 | 380 | 6 |
HL-A220/0.3 | 220 | 0.3 | 9X15軟管含注射閥及過濾器 | 90 | 380 | 6 |
注:本系列計量泵基本配置是9X15軟管連接,接口可另選擇:DN15PVC承插接口方式,和DN15法蘭盤連接方式。 |
HL系列機械隔膜計量泵過流部分材質表、 | ||||||
零配件名稱 | 過流部分材質 | |||||
泵 頭 Pump | RPP | PVC | PVDF | SUS304 | SUS316L | |
隔 膜 Diaphragm | PTFE+橡膠PTFE+Rubber | PTFE+橡膠PTFE+Rubber | PTFE+橡膠PTFE+Rubber | PTFE+橡膠PTFE+Rubber | PTFE+橡膠PTFE+Rubber | |
單 向 閥 Check Valves | RPP | PVC | PVDF | SUS304 | SUS316L | |
閥 球 座 Ball seat | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE | SUS304 | SUS316L | |
閥 球 Ball | 陶瓷Ceramics | 陶瓷Ceramics | 陶瓷Ceramics | 陶瓷Ceramics | 陶瓷Ceramics | |
密封墊片 Gasket | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE |
HK系列機械隔膜計量泵是可按各種工藝流程的需要,輸送水及類似水的化學液體以及腐蝕性和非腐蝕性液體的一種往復式容積泵,流量可在0-100%范圍內調節(jié),產品執(zhí)行中國國家標準GB/T7782-2008及參照國際先進設計理念設計并生產。產品廣泛應用于石油、化工、水處理、環(huán)保、食品、輕工、造紙、制藥、印染、冶金、礦山、電鍍等行業(yè)。產品特點Product characteristics:
◆ 結構簡單緊湊,維護更加方便。◆ 雙偏心凸輪結構驅動,結構緊湊,運行平穩(wěn)可靠。◆ 油浸潤滑,只需定期更換潤滑油,潤滑系統(tǒng)無需專門維護。◆ 可靠的流量調節(jié)機構,產品運行或停止狀態(tài)時均可輕松調節(jié)流量。◆ 采用高強度的聚四氟乙烯與橡膠的復合膜片,耐腐蝕、壽命長、適合輸送各種腐蝕性、危險性液體。◆ 多種可選用的過流材質,還可按使用要求定制其它特殊材料,以適用輸送各種腐蝕性和非腐蝕性液體。◆ 完全不泄露,安全性能高,可輸送各種易燃、易爆、劇毒、放射性、強刺激性、強腐蝕性液體。◆ 高精度單向止回閥結構,具有計量精確、結構緊湊、密封性好、壽命長、互換性強、成本低、安裝方便等諸多優(yōu)點。◆ 可配套變頻電機接收4-20mA信號來調節(jié)流量,進行外部自動控制。◆ 可配套沖程調節(jié)器來自動調節(jié)流量。主要參數(shù)
◆ 額定流量24-2000L/h,最高額定壓力1.0Mpa。◆ 輸送介質溫度-30-50℃(不銹鋼為100℃)。◆ 介質粘度:0.3-800 mm2/s.◆ 計量復位精度+-1%。
HK系列機械隔膜計量泵性能參數(shù)表 | ||||||||
產品型號 Model | 最大流量Flow(L/h) | 最大出口壓力Pressure(Mpa) | 功率Power(W) | 電壓Voltage(V) | 泵頭材質Pump head material | 口徑Diameter(mm) | 連接方式Connection | 重量Weight(kgs) |
HK24/1.0 |
24 |
1.0 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 16 |
HK54/1.0 | 54 |
1.0 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 16 |
HK85/0.8 | 85 |
0.8 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 16 |
HK100/0.8 | 100 |
0.8 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 16 |
HK120/0.8 | 120 |
0.8 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 17 |
HK175/0.7 | 175 |
0.7 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 17 |
HK210/0.6 |
210 |
0.6 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 17 |
HK280/0.6 | 280 |
0.6 |
250 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
承插socket | 17 |
HK320/0.6 | 320 |
0.6 | 370 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
法蘭flange | 17 |
HK380/0.5 | 380 |
0.5 | 370 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
法蘭flange |
16 |
HK410/0.5 |
410 | 0.5 |
550 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
法蘭flange | 18 |
HK500/0.4 |
500 |
0.4 |
550 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
法蘭flange | 18 |
HK550/0.4 | 550 | 0.4 |
550 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
法蘭flange | 18 |
HK600/0.3 | 600 | 0.3 |
550 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
法蘭flange | 18 |
HK630/0.3 | 630 | 0.3 |
550 |
380 |
RPP/PVDF、SS304(可選) |
DN15 |
法蘭flange | 18 |
HK-A800/0.4 |
800 |
0.4 |
750 |
380 |
RPP/SS304(可選) |
DN32 |
承插 socket/法蘭flange |
50 |
HK-B1000/0.4 |
1000 |
0.4 |
750 |
380 |
RPP/SS304(可選) |
DN32 |
承插 socket/法蘭flange |
50 |
HK-B1200/0.4 |
1200 |
0.4 |
750 |
380 |
RPP/SS304(可選) |
DN32 |
承插 socket/法蘭flange |
50 |
HK-B1500/0.4 |
1500 |
0.4 |
750 |
380 |
RPP/SS304(可選) |
DN32 |
承插 socket/法蘭flange |
50 |
HK-B1800/0.3 |
1800 |
0.3 |
750 |
380 |
RPP/SS304(可選) |
DN32 |
承插 socket/法蘭flange |
53 |
HK-B2000/0.3 |
2000 |
0.3 |
750 |
380 |
RPP/SS304(可選) |
DN32 |
承插 socket/法蘭flange |
53 |
HK--C2400 | 2400 | 0.4 | 1100 | 380 | RPP/SS304(可選) | DN40 | 法蘭flange | 75 |
HK--C2800 | 2800 | 0.3 | 1500 | 380 | RPP/SS304(可選) | DN40 | 法蘭flange | 75 |
HK--C3300 | 3300 | 0.3 | 1500 | 380 | RPP/SS304(可選) | DN40 | 法蘭flange | 75 |
HK系列機械隔膜計量泵過流部分材質表 | |||||
零配件名稱 Part Name | 過流部分材質over-current part | ||||
泵 頭 Pump head | RPP | PVC | PVDF | SUS304 | SUS316L |
隔 膜 Diaphragm | PTFE+橡膠(Rubber) | PTFE+橡膠(Rubber) | PTFE+橡膠(Rubber) | PTFE+橡膠(Rubber) | PTFE+橡膠(Rubber) |
單向閥 Check Valves | RPP | PVC | PVDF | SUS304 | SUS316L |
閥球座 Ball seat | PTFE/PP | PTFE/PVC | PTFE | SUS304 | SUS316L |
閥 球 Ball | 陶瓷 Ceramics | 陶瓷 Ceramics | 陶瓷 Ceramics | 陶瓷 Ceramics | 陶瓷 Ceramics |
O型密封圈 O-ring | 氟橡膠(FKM) | 氟橡膠(FKM) | PTFE | PTFE | PTFE |
2、加熱功率: 兩檔,1000W+600W。
3、攪拌電機: 功率6W;轉速 1200r/min。
4、測溫范圍: 室溫~100℃。
5、控溫精度: ±0.1℃。
6、恒溫。 容量,20L;形式,內外兩層缸(雙缸)。
7、使用環(huán)境: 環(huán)境溫度-10℃~+35℃,相對濕度<85%。
8、溫度傳感器: 工業(yè)鉑電阻,其分度號為Pt100。
9、整機功耗: 不大于1800W。
⑴ 溫度傳感器:工業(yè)鉑電阻,其分度號為Pt100。
⑵ 溫控儀:采用數(shù)字智能溫度控制儀,具有四位雙LED(發(fā)光二管)指示功能,控溫迅速、響應快、超調小,控溫精度達±0.1℃。
⑶ 加熱系統(tǒng):1000W和600W雙電加熱管加熱,升溫快;在設定的觀測溫度點,能自動調整加熱功率,保證浴溫穩(wěn)定。
金博威凍肉絞肉機是肉制品生產行業(yè)中通用性高使用范圍廣的一種肉食加工設備 。它能將-18的凍肉直接絞成顆粒狀。它依靠螺桿將料斗中的原料肉推到預切切板處,通過螺桿的旋轉擠壓使孔板與絞刀產生相對運轉,從而將原料肉切成顆粒形狀,確保了肉餡的均勻性。通過也板的不同組合可達到理想要求的不同肉餡。
型號 | 生產能力(T/h) | 功率(KW) |
絞龍轉速(r/min) |
外形尺寸(mm) |
整機重量(kg) |
JR-130 |
1-1.5 | 7.5 | 150 | 1410*710*1130 | 420 |
卻器、壽力24KT潤滑油 、壽力SRF4000 250019-662 、壽力AWF-4壓縮機全天候潤滑油250030-757、溫控
閥維修包、進氣提升閥、油管軟管等.電話: 網址:www.asaie.cn壽力SULLUBE32空壓機油 250022-669壽力空壓機油87250022-669壽力空壓機油87250022-670壽力空壓機油250022-670壽力壓縮機油RF/4000壽力空壓機油 250019-662壽力空壓機油02250051-153壽力空壓機油壽力24KT空壓機油 02250051-150壽力空壓機油壽力移動空壓機油 250030-757壽力空壓機油SULLUBE32空壓機油02250137-895油氣分離器250034-112油氣分離器250034-114油氣分離器02250121-500油氣分離器02250100-753油氣分離器02250100-754油氣分離器02250100-755油氣分離器02250100-756油氣分離器250034-116油氣分離器250042-862油氣分離器02250060-462油氣分離器02250060-463油氣分離器02250061-137油氣分離器02250061-138油氣分離器02250061-753油氣分離器02250061-754油氣分離器250034-085油氣分離器02250048-734油氣分離器250034-087油氣分離器250034-086油氣分離器250034-122油氣分離器250034-134油氣分離器250034-120油氣分離器250034-128油氣分離器250034-124油氣分離器250034-123油氣分離器250034-130油氣分離器250034-129油氣分離器02250109-319油氣分離器02250109-321油氣分離器250028-244油氣分離器02250131-498空氣濾芯02250131-499空氣濾芯250018-652空氣濾芯043334空氣濾芯02250131-496空氣濾芯040596空氣濾芯02250044-537空氣濾芯049301空氣濾芯88290001-469空氣濾芯02250125-371空氣濾芯047542空氣濾芯047543空氣濾芯02250046-012空氣濾芯02250046-013空氣濾芯88290006-013空氣濾芯88290006-012空氣濾芯P181043空氣濾芯P124860空氣濾芯0409853空氣濾芯0409854空氣濾芯88290007-018空氣濾芯02250135-149空氣濾芯250007-838空氣濾芯250007-839空氣濾芯88290005-014空氣濾芯88290001-466空氣濾芯88290001-467空氣濾芯88290003-111空氣濾芯88290004-372空氣濾芯8829001-251空氣濾芯88290002-337空氣濾芯88290002-338空氣濾芯02250051-238空氣濾芯02250051-239空氣濾芯02250125-372空氣濾芯882900012-371空氣濾芯88290005-590空氣濾芯02250168-053空氣濾芯88290005-591空氣濾芯02250127-684空氣濾芯88290003-034空氣濾芯88290003-467空氣濾芯88290005-013空氣濾芯88290005-014空氣濾芯88290012-371空氣濾芯88290012-372空氣濾芯88290007-O18空氣濾芯88290013-079空氣濾芯250025-525油過濾器250025-526油過濾器250008-956油過濾器02250121-219油過濾器250007-842油過濾器250031-850油過濾器02250139-996油過濾器250007-665油過濾器02250155-709油過濾器02250125-367濾芯02250096-783油過濾器016742斷油閥總成014098斷油閥總成001684斷油閥維修包88290012-847止逆閥02250078-204溫控閥芯045764溫控閥芯049542溫控閥芯 001168溫控閥芯02250092-081溫控閥芯250028-762溫控閥芯88290002-832溫控閥芯013697溫控閥芯88290022-023溫控閥芯02250096-738溫控閥芯88290001-006溫控閥總成250025-621溫控閥維修包02250105-553溫控閥維修包001084溫控閥維修包001076溫控閥維修包826502-144溫控閥O型圈02250101-372溫控閥V密封圈250017-280背壓調節(jié)開關02250127-402減壓閥048354減壓閥406929壓力調節(jié)器408275壓力調節(jié)器02250084-027壓力調節(jié)器02250046-568壓力調節(jié)器048059壓力調節(jié)器045099壓力調節(jié)器02250052-358壓力調節(jié)器88291002-741壓力調節(jié)器250023-600真空調節(jié)器02250190-454溢流閥048409壓力調節(jié)器維修包250019-453壓力調節(jié)器維修包041742壓力調節(jié)器維修包02250049-634放空閥02250100-042放空閥250028-693放氣閥250025-655放氣閥250030-276放氣閥041111放氣閥409783放空閥250031-771放空閥維修包250031-772放空閥維修包02250045-132放空閥維修包001667放空閥維修包250020-353壽力控維修包608311-001螺旋閥維修包250006-526進氣閥彈簧02250112-032控制管路過濾器408389控制管路過濾器02250112-031控制管路過濾器維修包001692控制管路過濾器維修包250031-245控制管路過濾器維修包02250115-960控制管路過濾器維修包88290018-880控制管路過濾器維修包02250117-782回油管過濾器維修包02250125-684電磁閥250038-666電磁閥250038-755電磁閥88290015-219電磁閥250038-672電磁閥02250125-657電磁閥250038-676電磁閥02250125-665電磁閥250038-673電磁閥維修包250038-730電磁閥線圈250031-738電磁閥線圈02250055-940電磁閥維修包250033-821最小壓力閥02250097-598最小壓力閥02250097-609最小壓力閥242405最小壓力閥88290016-467最小壓力閥88290017-107最小壓力閥88290017-287最小壓力閥88290017-432最小壓力閥02250046-338最小壓力閥組件88290017-286止回閥88290018-146最小壓力閥維修包250026-758最小壓力閥維修包02250177-150最小壓力閥維修包88290009-185進氣閥02250110-998最小壓力閥維修包250018-262最小壓力閥維修包250019-444最小壓力閥維修包001176最小壓力閥維修包001177最小壓力閥維修包250018-456最小壓力閥維修包250018-459最小壓力閥維修包88290018-146最小壓力閥維修包88290019-707最小壓力閥維修包88290012-468進氣閥維修包250042-656彈簧02250056-278進氣閥維修包02250046-396壓力閥蓋維修包02250048-363壓力閥O型圈包02250051-337壓力閥活塞維修包250014-656真空開關250017-991水壓開關250017-992水壓開關02250084-534水溫開關02250050-154壓差開關02250100-095高溫保護開關250039-909溫度傳感器88290001-535急停按扭88290003-806壓力傳感器88290014-514壓力傳感器241771V型過濾器241772V型過濾器維修包040694壓力調節(jié)開關407778壓力調節(jié)開關250029-249進氣閥維修包250017-451進氣閥維修包250019-451進氣閥維修包02250053-273進氣閥維修包250031-438進氣閥維修包02250073-277進氣閥維修包02250155-971進氣閥維修包88290003-548進氣閥02250130-050進氣閥02250088-348進氣閥02250060-988進氣閥88291006-018進氣閥02250083-783進氣閥02250045-626進氣閥02250141-182進氣閥02250155-970進氣閥88290009-185進氣閥041110進氣閥88291004-492進氣閥049905單向閥02250115-272單向閥02250110-557單向閥408893往復閥02250051-538電腦板88290008-999電腦板88290007-999電腦板02250106-360電腦板88290007-789電路板88320001-052控制器041006消聲器040758消聲器043386燈泡88290006-089紅色燈泡88290006-090綠色燈泡02250049-258軸封600893-001軸封02250057-037軸封02250050-363軸封02250050-364軸封02250123-809軸封868430-030三通826502-210O型圈826502-214O型圈826502-240O型圈826502-426O型圈88842026-051O型圈88842035-047O型圈88842035-023O型圈88842035-061O型圈88842035-065O型圈88842035-075O型圈88842030-044O型圈02250099-630尼龍管02250054-861尼龍管02250052-841管芯02250099-052管芯88290001-129汽缸044912循環(huán)卸荷閥046782循環(huán)卸荷閥維修包02250046-568減壓閥040691壓力表02250117-009壓力表250005-185壓力表02250100-095溫度開關02250136-694溫度表02250050-154壓差開關02250117-009壓力表88290001-219視油鏡88290004-380排氣壓力表250042-010計時器88290006-159溫度表88290005-932阻塞指示器88290005-481安全閥88290005-480安全閥88290001-476安全閥88290005-469安全閥88290005-468安全閥88290005-471安全閥88290005-472安全閥88290005-473安全閥88290001-950安全閥88290005-479安全閥88290011-135移動機安全閥88290010-713移動機安全閥250024-654安全閥250029-330安全閥02250097-349安全閥88290001-466空濾88290001-467空濾88290002-337空濾88290002-338空濾88290003-111空濾88290001-469空濾88290004-372空濾88290007-018空濾406631聯(lián)軸器彈性元件250004-641聯(lián)軸器彈性元件250018-551聯(lián)軸器彈性元件867308-250聯(lián)軸器螺栓88290003-312聯(lián)軸器彈性元件88290003-404聯(lián)軸器彈性元件02250152-670聯(lián)軸器彈性元件88290019-861聯(lián)軸器彈性元件88290009-996聯(lián)軸器彈性元件 88290019-862聯(lián)軸器彈性元件250004-638聯(lián)軸器02250111-222聯(lián)軸器88290009-988聯(lián)軸器88290004-374聯(lián)軸器88290009-989聯(lián)軸器88290013-848聯(lián)軸器88290009-988聯(lián)軸器88290009-992聯(lián)軸器88290009-989聯(lián)軸器88290001-904移動機聯(lián)軸器88290006-808移動機聯(lián)軸器橡膠88290003-397聯(lián)軸器橡膠88290003-322聯(lián)軸器橡膠88290003-326聯(lián)軸器橡膠88290010-075聯(lián)軸器橡膠88290010-079聯(lián)軸器橡膠02250115-957最小壓力閥蝶閥02250127-402減壓閥88290017-745氣水分離器88290003-393氣水分離器88290001-403氣水分離器88290003-109氣水分離器02250111-238氣水分離器88290003-209氣水分離器88290004-746氣水分離器88290013-186氣水分離器88290020-910氣水分離器88290023-106氣水分離器88290017-431氣水分離器88290001-040氣水分離器02250127-121氣水分離器 02250081-108維修包02250078-841氣水分離器88290010-023電子排水閥88290010-699電子排水閥88290012-751電子排水閥88290010-561電子排水閥88290012-684電子排水閥88290012-779電子排水閥配件88290012-780電子排水閥定時器02250081-108水分離器維修包02250087-422水分離器維修包044374水分離器維修包250004-642壓縮機端連接轂250018-005電機端連接轂02250125-775節(jié)流孔02250098-303球閥250039-909溫度傳感器02250058-087溫度傳感器02250048-457溫度傳感器001104移動機溫度開關250039-910傳感器88290003-806傳感器88290004-947風冷組合冷卻器88290005-380風冷冷卻器88290005-200風冷冷卻器88291001-504風冷冷卻器88290017-243風冷冷卻器88290020-670冷卻器88290004-083水冷油冷卻器88290003-414冷卻器88290003-413冷卻器88290001-549冷卻器88290002-198冷卻器88290006-633冷卻器88290003-019冷卻器88290002-536冷卻器88290001-549冷卻器88290002-817水冷油冷卻器88290002-818冷卻器02250096-706風冷冷卻器88290002-457冷卻器88290002-458冷卻器88290003-120風冷冷卻器88290017-242風冷冷卻器88290006-640風冷冷卻器88290012-760風冷油氣冷卻器總成88290012-803風冷油冷卻器88290007-938風冷后冷卻器88290006-982風冷空油冷卻器88290001-357水冷油冷卻器88290001-358水冷后冷卻器88290009-786水冷冷卻器88290006-636冷卻器88290006-635冷卻器88290003-025水冷油冷卻器88290003-026水冷后冷卻器88290004-345水冷后冷卻器02250111-201水冷后冷卻器02250111-202水冷油冷卻器88290014-166油冷卻器88290013-028后冷卻器88290004-346水冷油卻器88290006-645后冷卻器88290006-644油冷卻器88290004-532冷卻器88290004-533油冷卻器88290004-534空氣冷卻器88290006-382不銹鋼水冷油冷88290003-114油冷卻器88290006-643風冷空油冷卻器88290009-734風冷冷卻器88290006-634風冷空油冷卻器02250094-744水冷油冷卻器250017-527水冷后冷卻器040680水冷后冷卻器042950水冷后冷卻器88290005-930水冷油冷卻器88290020-662水冷后冷卻器88290020-661水冷油冷卻器88290004-347水冷后冷卻器88290020-663水冷油冷卻器88290014-478風冷冷卻器88290015-765風冷冷卻器88290014-225風冷冷卻器88291002-894-00風冷冷卻器88291007-378風冷冷卻器88290012-331風冷冷卻器88290013-517風冷冷卻器88290013-267風冷冷卻器88290013-518風冷冷卻器88290013-269風冷冷卻器88290013-519風冷冷卻器88291006-08888291006-99588290007-939冷卻器02250150-059移動機冷卻器02250124-822移動機冷卻器02250166-257移動機冷卻器88290002-664移動機油冷88290001-901移動機發(fā)動機冷卻器88290019-198水冷后冷卻器88290019-197水冷油冷卻器040550橡膠彎頭88290004-441金屬軟管88290002-396金屬軟管88290002-392金屬軟管88290001-396金屬軟管02250097-827金屬軟管88290006-985金屬軟管88290006-983金屬軟管88290013-020金屬軟管02250110-538金屬軟管88290001-579金屬軟管88290001-398金屬軟管88290019-517金屬軟管88290006-685金屬軟管88290001-895金屬軟管88290001-893金屬軟管88290003-567金屬軟管88290005-550金屬軟管88290004-444軟管88290004-445軟管88290004-446軟管88290004-646軟管02250127-905軟管88290017-244軟管02250098-622軟管02250098-624軟管02250143-476軟管02250141-104軟管88290009-266軟管88290009-268軟管88290009-267軟管88290001-425軟管88290001-426軟管88290005-227軟管88290005-228軟管88290002-328軟管88290002-330軟管88290002-331放油軟管88290002-332軟管88290003-395軟管88290005-540軟管88290005-541軟管88290005-542軟管88290005-545軟管040413回油軟管88290015-902皮帶88290001-042橡膠軟管249608-021移動機軟管02250054-260移動機軟管88290006-685移動機軟管88290012-445進氣軟管049625進氣軟管020169接頭02250101-490接頭883727-012接頭883527-012接頭250016-351啟動按鈕250003-798油分離器壓差表250003-799油過濾器壓差表040029加油蓋88290006-366視油鏡046559視油鏡88290002-666風扇電機88290007-878風扇電機88290001-755風扇電機88290009-879風扇88290004-940電動機88290002-576電動機250003-797空濾器真空表250022-632高壓停機開關250034-304傳動軸250034-305傳動軸02250077-596傳動軸02250094-411齒輪02250094-735齒輪499097-188齒輪499096-188齒輪490054-206齒輪490055-206齒輪145-25800齒輪145-25700齒輪250039-253排水器88290001-732時間繼電器88320001-035壓力開關041076止逆閥88290002-649綠色按鈕88290002-651紅色按鈕88290015-538急停按扭02250049-934油濾底座040136球絞接頭02250084-094溫度開關250041-638機油壓力開關88290012-827機油壓力傳感器88290012-829機油溫度傳感器88290010-831張緊輪軸88290010-830張緊輪042148壓差指示器88290003-022減震墊88290007-005油氣分離器桶88290014-226油氣分離器桶88290006-100壓力開關88290001-302風扇熱繼電器88290015-740單向交流電壓數(shù)顯表
Rat Interleukin 10(IL-10)
Catalog No. CSB-E04595r
l This immunoassay kit allows for the in vitro quantitative determination of rat IL-10 concentrations in serum, plasma and Tissue Homogenates.
l Expiration date six months from the date of manufacture
The microtiter plate provided in this kit has been pre-coated with an antibody specific to IL-10. Standards or samples are then added to the appropriate microtiter plate wells with a biotin-conjugated polyclonal antibody preparation specific for IL-10 and Avidin conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) is added to each microplate well and incubated. Then a TMB (3,3',5,5' tetramethyl-benzidine) substrate solution is added to each well. Only those wells that contain IL-10, biotin-conjugated antibody and enzyme-conjugated Avidin will exhibit a change in color. The enzyme-substrate reaction is terminated by the addition of a sulphuric acid solution and the color change is measured spectrophotometrically at a wavelength of 450 nm ± 2 nm. The concentration of IL-10 in the samples is then determined by comparing the O.D. of the samples to the standard curve.
3.12 pg/ml-200 pg/ml. The standard curve concentrations used for the ELISA’s were 200 pg/ml, 100 pg/ml, 50 pg/ml, 25 pg/ml, 12.5 pg/ml, 6.25 pg/ml, 3.12 pg/ml.
This assay recognizes rat IL-10. No significant cross-reactivity or interference was observed.
The minimum detectable dose of rat IL-10 is typically less than 0.78 pg/ml.
The sensitivity of this assay, or Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) was defined as the lowest protein concentration that could be differentiated from zero.
Reagent | Quantity |
Assay plate | 1 |
Standard | 2 |
Sample Diluent | 1 x 20 ml |
Biotin-antibody Diluent | 1 x 10 ml |
HRP-avidin Diluent | 1 x 10 ml |
Biotin-antibody | 1 x 120μl |
HRP-avidin | 1 x 120μl |
Wash Buffer | 1 x 20 ml (25×concentrate) |
TMB Substrate | 1 x 10 ml |
Stop Solution | 1 x 10 ml |
1. Unopened test kits should be stored at 2-8°C upon receipt and the microtiter plate should be kept in a sealed bag. The test kit may be used throughout the expiration date of the kit, provided it is stored as prescribed above. Refer to the package label for the expiration date.
2. Opened test plate should be stored at 2-8°C in the aluminum foil bag with desiccants to minimize exposure to damp air. The kits will remain stable until the expiring date shown, provided it is stored as prescribed above.
3. A microtiter plate reader with a bandwidth of 10 nm or less and an optical density range of 0-3 OD or greater at 450nm wavelength is acceptable for use in absorbance measurement.
Bring all reagents to room temperature before use.
1. Wash Buffer If crystals have formed in the concentrate, warm up to room temperature and mix gently until the crystals have completely dissolved. Dilute 20 ml of Wash Buffer Concentrate into deionized or distilled water to prepare 500 ml of Wash Buffer.
2. Standard Centrifuge the standard vial at 6000-10000rpm for 30s. Reconstitute the Standard with 1.0 ml of Sample Diluent. This reconstitution produces a stock solution of 200 pg/ml. Allow the standard to sit for a minimum of 15 minutes with gentle agitation prior to making serial dilutions. The undiluted standard serves as the high standard (200 pg/ml). The Sample Diluent serves as the zero standard (0 pg/ml). Prepare fresh for each assay. Use within 4 hours and discard after use.
3. Biotin-antibody Centrifuge the vial before opening. Dilute to the working concentration using Biotin-antibody Diluent(1:100), respectively.
4. HRP-avidin Centrifuge the vial before opening. Dilute to the working concentration using HRP-avidin Diluent(1:100), respectively.
Precaution: The Stop Solution provided with this kit is an acid solution. Wear eye, hand, face, and clothing protection when using this material.
Microplate reader capable of measuring absorbance at 450 nm, with the correction wavelength set at 540 nm or 570 nm.
Pipettes and pipette tips.
Deionized or distilled water.
Squirt bottle, manifold dispenser, or automated microplate washer.
An incubator which can provide stable incubation conditions up to 37°C±0.5°C.
l Serum Use a serum separator tube (SST) and allow samples to clot for 30 minutes before centrifugation for 15 minutes at 1000 g. Remove serum and assay immediately or aliquot and store samples at -20°C. Centrifuge the sample again after thawing before the assay. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
l Plasma Collect plasma using citrate, EDTA, or heparin as an anticoagulant. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 1000 g within 30 minutes of collection. Assay immediately or aliquot and store samples at -20°C. Centrifuge the sample again after thawing before the assay. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
l Tissue Homogenates 100mg tissue was rinsed with 1X PBS, homogenized in 1 mL of 1X PBS and stored overnight at -20° C. After two freeze-thaw cycles were performed to break the cell membranes, the homogenates were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 5000 x g, 2 - 8°C. The supernate was assayed and removed immediately. Alternatively, aliquot and store samples at -20°C or -80℃. Centrifuge the sample again after thawing before the assay. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Note: Grossly hemolyzed samples are not suitable for use in this assay.
Bring all reagents and samples to room temperature before use. It is recommended that all samples, standards, and controls be assayed in duplicate. All the reagents should be added directly to the liquid level in the well. The pipette should avoid contacting the inner wall of the well.
1. Add 100μl of Standard, Blank, or Sample per well. Cover with the adhesive strip. Incubate for 2 hours at 37°C.
2. Remove the liquid of each well, don’t wash.
3. Add 100μl of Biotin-antibody working solution to each well. Incubate for 1 hour at 37°C. Biotin-antibody working solution may appear cloudy. Warm up to room temperature and mix gently until solution appears uniform.
4. Aspirate each well and wash, repeating the process three times for a total of three washes. Wash: Fill each well with Wash Buffer (200μl) and let it stand for 2 minutes, then remove the liquid by flicking the plate over a sink. The remaining drops are removed by patting the plate on a paper towel. Complete removal of liquid at each step is essential to good performance.
5. Add 100μl of HRP-avidin working solution to each well. Cover the microtiter plate with a new adhesive strip. Incubate for 1 hour at 37°C.
6. Repeat the aspiration and wash five times as step 4.
7. Add 90μl of TMB Substrate to each well. Incubate for 10-30 minutes at 37°C. Keeping the plate away from drafts and other temperature fluctuations in the dark.
8. Add 50μl of Stop Solution to each well when the first four wells containing the highest concentration of standards develop obvious blue color. If color change does not appear uniform, gently tap the plate to ensure thorough mixing.
9. Determine the optical density of each well within 30 minutes, using a microplate reader set to 450 nm.
Using the professional soft "Curve Exert 1.3" to make a standard curve is recommended, which can be downloaded from our web.
Average the duplicate readings for each standard, control, and sample and subtract the average zero standard optical density. Create a standard curve by reducing the data using computer software capable of generating a four parameter logistic (4-PL) curve-fit. As an alternative, construct a standard curve by plotting the mean absorbance for each standard on the x-axis against the concentration on the y-axis and draw a best fit curve through the points on the graph. The data may be linearized by plotting the log of the IL-10 concentrations versus the log of the O.D. and the best fit line can be determined by regression analysis. This procedure will produce an adequate but less precise fit of the data. If samples have been diluted, the concentration read from the standard curve must be multiplied by the dilution factor.
The kit should not be used beyond the expiration date on the kit label.
Do not mix or substitute reagents with those from other lots or sources.
It is important that the Standard Diluent selected for the standard curve be consistent with the samples being assayed.
If samples generate values higher than the highest standard, dilute the samples with the appropriate Standard Diluent and repeat the assay.
Any variation in Standard Diluent, operator, pipetting technique, washing technique, incubation time or temperature, and kit age can cause variation in binding.
This assay is designed to eliminate interference by soluble receptors, binding proteins, and other factors present in biological samples. Until all factors have been tested in the Immunoassay, the possibility of interference cannot be excluded.
Centrifuge vials before opening to collect contents.
When mixing or reconstituting protein solutions, always avoid foaming.
To avoid cross-contamination, change pipette tips between additions of each standard level, between sample additions, and between reagent additions. Also, use separate reservoirs for each reagent.
When using an automated plate washer, adding a 30 second soak period following the addition of wash buffer, and/or rotating the plate 180 degrees between wash steps may improve assay precision.
To ensure accurate results, proper adhesion of plate sealers during incubation steps is necessary.
Substrate Solution should remain colorless or light blue until added to the plate. Keep Substrate Solution protected from light. Substrate Solution should change from colorless or light blue to gradations of blue.
Stop Solution should be added to the plate in the same order as the Substrate Solution. The color developed in the wells will turn from blue to yellow upon addition of the Stop Solution. Wells that are green in color indicate that the Stop Solution has not mixed thoroughly with the Substrate Solution.
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