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RBJ-I家用氣體報警器 獨立式可燃氣體探測器














◆ 產(chǎn)品型號:RBJ-I

◆ 檢測原理:催化燃燒式

◆ 檢測氣體:天然氣

◆ 檢測方式:自由擴散式

◆ 工作電壓:AC220V±10%

◆ 示值誤差的最大允差:±3%LEL

◆ 測量范圍:(0-100)%LEL

◆ 報警方式:聲光報警

◆ 報警聲音:≥70dB

◆ 響應時間:≤30s

◆ 工作溫度:0℃~55℃

◆ 工作濕度:≤95%RH

◆ 產(chǎn)品尺寸:113mm(L)×80mm(W) ×39mm(H);







該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 水質(zhì)分析儀 甲醛檢測儀 空氣檢測/凈化器 檢漏儀 風速計 干濕計 溫度計 酒精檢測儀 其他檢測儀器 燈光檢測儀 尾氣分析儀 可燃氣體檢測儀 粉塵檢測 環(huán)境檢測儀器


HD1000系列采用高精度氣敏元件,模塊化設計,具有極好的靈敏度和出色的重復性。產(chǎn)品可安裝在廚房、燃氣管道旁,出現(xiàn)燃氣或CO泄露時發(fā)出聲光報警信號,有效保障您的人身財產(chǎn)安全!    產(chǎn)品執(zhí)行國家標準GB15322.2-2003《測量范圍為0~100%LEL的獨立式可燃氣體檢測器》。    功能特點    ◆使用高性能數(shù)字處理器,系統(tǒng)具有高可靠性    ◆高性能氣敏傳感器,高靈敏度    ◆快速預熱,響應時間快    ◆電路板采用SMT工藝,提高了產(chǎn)品的可靠性。    ◆報警狀態(tài)下,蜂鳴器頻率隨濃度變化而變化    ◆傳感器自動檢測和壽命到期提示功能,用戶使用更放心    ◆使用壽命大于5年    ◆特別加入自動補償功能,真正做到防止誤報警和漏報警。    技術參數(shù)    ◆檢測氣體:天然氣、人工CO,支持雙氣體檢測    ◆檢測方式:自由擴散式    ◆工作電壓:AC220V±15%    ◆測量范圍:(0-100)%LEL    ◆報警方式:聲光報警    ◆電磁閥信號:DC 9V-12V    ◆報警聲音:≥80dB    ◆響應時間:≤30s    ◆工作溫度:-10℃~55℃    ◆工作濕度:≤95%RH無冷凝    ◆產(chǎn)品尺寸:120mm(L)×82mm(W)×45mm(H)    HD1000型家用氣體報警器液化石油氣泄漏檢測儀性價比之王,您絕對不能錯過,請點擊以下地址:    店鋪地址 http://ccelectric.taobao.com/    http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41077579026廠家直銷促銷款家里廚房用天然氣報警器燃氣液化石油氣泄漏檢測器    http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41078139803廚房天然氣燃氣報警器液化石油氣防泄漏檢測器廠家直銷    http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41084093033HD1100天然氣一氧化碳雙氣體報警器燃氣管道泄漏檢測儀正品促銷    http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=43793286720家用廚房燃氣報警器限時打折正品包郵安全實惠送禮套餐
該公司產(chǎn)品分類: 燃氣報警器 氣體報警器

SNE-271系列 家用氣體報警器

SNE-271系列 家用氣體報警器:


產(chǎn)品介紹: SNE271系列家用氣體報警器是我公司結(jié)合國內(nèi)外同類產(chǎn)品的特點,融合的利學技術、自行計發(fā)研制的產(chǎn)品,該產(chǎn)品具有如下特點:1、適用性強:(1).當您所選購的是檢測可燃氣體的產(chǎn)品時,該產(chǎn)品可用于檢測化石油氣、天然氣、管道煤氣等家庭常用燃料氣體因使用不當而產(chǎn)生的泄漏,避免火災、爆炸事故的發(fā)生。(2).當您所選購的是檢測一氧化碳氣體的產(chǎn)品時,該產(chǎn)品可用于檢測天然氣、煤、木炭、煤油等燃料的不燃燒而產(chǎn)生的一氧化碳氣體、防止中毒事故的發(fā)生。

2、 技術(1). 該產(chǎn)品應用目前國內(nèi)外的單片計算機數(shù)字處理技術從通訊技術設計。(2). 該產(chǎn)品可單獨構成報管單元獨立使用(3). 該產(chǎn)品可多用戶聯(lián)網(wǎng)構成智能化氣體泄漏報警系統(tǒng)。各報警單元之間、報警單元與報警控制器之間采用總線制傳輸信號,并可與計算機聯(lián)網(wǎng).(4). 該產(chǎn)品還可方便地與現(xiàn)代化小區(qū)智能管理系統(tǒng)、防盜報警系統(tǒng)及火災報警系統(tǒng)聯(lián)接。

產(chǎn)品特點:功能齊全(1). 該產(chǎn)品二十四小時連續(xù)監(jiān)測被監(jiān)測環(huán)境,當被監(jiān)測環(huán)境中有可燃氣體泄漏或一氧化碳氣體泄漏達到危險濃度時即可發(fā)出聲光報警信號。(2). 該產(chǎn)品帶有報警輸出機構,給相應系統(tǒng)主機輸出報警信號、可控制排風扇、關閉氣源。(3). 報警器的信號輸出方式可通過“手動/自動”鍵按用戶所需方式進行切換。(4). 可隨時對報警器進行報警自檢,以確保系統(tǒng)地運

技術參數(shù): 一、型號: SNE-271 可檢測氣體: 液化石油氣、天然氣和煤氣 檢測原理: 催化式 檢測范圍: 0%~100%LEL 報警設定值: 25%LEL 報警方式: 聲、光報警 輸出方式: AC220V 有源輸出 響應時間: ≤30S 工作電源: AC220/Hz 功耗: 2.5W 使用環(huán)境: -10~+50℃.20~90%RH 外型尺寸: 115×75×43mm

二、型號: SNE-271 可檢測氣體: 一氧化碳 檢測原理: 半導體式 檢測范圍: 0-200PPm 報警設定值: 100PPm 報警方式: 聲、光報警 輸出方式: AC220V 有源輸出 響應時間: ≤30S 工作電源: AC220/Hz 功耗: 2.5W 使用環(huán)境: -10~+50℃.20~90%RH 外型尺寸: 115×75×43mm

 名稱 規(guī)格 備注 銷售價 是否現(xiàn)貨
 SNE-271型 家用可燃氣體報警器 可檢測氣體:液化石油氣、天然氣和煤氣 檢測原理:催化式。包裝:臺 181.30 現(xiàn)貨
 SNE-271型 家用可燃氣體報警器 可檢測氣體:一氧化碳 檢測原理:半導體式。包裝:臺 245.00 現(xiàn)貨


preliminary the board is a microprocessor based application, designed for gas sensing applications, for use with either 3-electrode electrochemical cells or catalytic gas sensors.the raw signal input from the sensor is processed digitally by the microprocessor, which also stores information like calibration data, the range and lifetime of the sensor. remora® can be interrogated digitally, with information such as alarm thresholds, fault conditions,calibration information etc., being available from the microprocessor’s registries.remora® is available in various versions and options, depending on the gas sensor with which is being used and the application. it is primarily designed to compliment the nemoto range of gas sensors for residential gas detection applications and can be used as a sensing platform within a residential gas detector product.board structure remora® is built around a 12bit microcontroller. it provides analog outputs and a serial output rx/tx to facilitate communication.a number of versions of the device are available, depending on the gas sensor with which is being used:- catalytic sensor (nemoto type nap-50a) for combustible gases detection;- electrochemical cell (nemoto type nap-505) for carbon monoxide detection.various circuits are implemented in accordance with the sensor used and the application:- the self test circuit (for the co cell)- zero drift compensation circuit.- a special version is available or carbon dioxide (co2) detection, using optoacoustic technologyboard operation the pcb is provided with some basic information written in the  icroprocessor’s memory:- lot/serial number- calibration date- span factor (for catalytic sensor)- alarm thresholdsall the above are written in the registries and are available for reading on the digital output.other output data available:- the present measured gas concentration on demand (in ppm or%lel depending on the application and sensor used)- alarm condition- fault condition- the age of the sensor (depending on the application)according to the board version, through the respective protocol, all the above information is available for readout.notes:1. span/rank - for a catalytic sensor monitoring combustibele gases, the relative response of the target gas is used to determine the range of the device. the readout drift in gas is memorized as the span, together with the zero value when calibrating the device.when used with nap-505 co sensor, a rank se-lection gives the drift in na/1ppm of co detected.the span or rank respectively, depending on the application, is memorized in the microprocessor’s registries.2. lifetime - usually the lifetime of the electrochemical cell nap-505 is around 5 years, provided the signal level of the cell does not fall bellow 40% of the original output. the microprocessor software is provided with a timer, which monitors the time elapsed from the sensor’s first calibration. a fault signal is to be provided on the serial output after the 5 years, stating that the sensor should be replaced.3. auto-zero – the drift of the zero indication in time affects the indication of the actual gas level so it is automatically compensated. the software implemented contains a routine which compensates for the drift in zero level.4. self-test – for co electrochemical cells, as defined by various standards, a self-test routine is included, which monitors the sensor’se-lectrodes for short or open circuit faults. the microprocessor will indicate a short or open circuit by means of the on-board fault signal. also, in case of electrolyte leakage in significant quantity or in case of complete drying out of electrolyte, the self test will activate a fault output to warn the imminent failure of the cell.5. ack/peak – an input is provided instead of alarm 2 to acknowledge the alarm signal if requested, or to provide the peak concentration level from the last acknowledgement on.6. buzzer – an output is provided instead of alarm 1 for a buzzer if necessary.pin desc-riptionannex 1 – block scheme


熱門儀器: 液相色譜儀 氣相色譜儀 原子熒光光譜儀 可見分光光度計 液質(zhì)聯(lián)用儀 壓力試驗機 酸度計(PH計) 離心機 高速離心機 冷凍離心機 生物顯微鏡 金相顯微鏡 標準物質(zhì) 生物試劑