美國飛托克壓力表彎管== 密閉取樣體系專注于辦理高溫、高壓、高粘度、強腐蝕性、強毒性及對情況有污染等危險性液體、氣液和氣體樣品的收羅題目。
■High Pressure Valves and Fittings: Product sizes cover 1/8” to 1”, with working pressures of 10,000 to 60,000 psi, and temperature ranges from -252℃ to 649℃. Optional materials include High Strength 316 Stainless Steel.
■Calibration Fittings and Hoses: Maximum working pressures of 6,900 psi and working temperature ranges from-23℃ to 204℃. Standard Material is 316 Stainless Steel.
■Sampling Systems: Focuses on sampling from high temperature, high pressure, high viscosity, highly caustic and highly toxic liquid and gas samples.
■UGC Process Valves and Fittings: Product sizes cover 1/4” to 4”, with working pressures of Class150 to Class4500 and temperature ranges from -196℃ to 900℃. Optional materials include: Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel and Alloy.
壓力表彎管又叫壓力表緩沖管或冷凝管,是用來連接壓力表與壓力表測量的設備或管道之間的配件,用來緩沖被測量介質對壓力表彈簧管的瞬時沖擊,同時可降低被測介質的溫度,是對壓力表進行保護的裝置。 壓力表冷凝圈的形式有:O形、U形等; 接頭有:M20*1.5-G1/2、M14*1.5-G1/4、G1/2-G1/2等。廣泛適用于啤酒、飲料、食品、造紙、制藥、裝飾等行業(yè)的設備、工藝管道上要求對流體壓力進行測量的場合。
材 質:321、304、304L、316、316L