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2Ͱʢ©�бP | 5253-YE | 136*74*43 | 29 | 907 | 58�Ӂ�/220�� | EPA 40 CFR 264.175 SPCC, NPDES |
�a(ch��n)Ʒ���Q | ��̖(h��o) | ����܇�۳ߴ� | |||
A(���ף� | B�����ף� | C�����ף� | D�����ף� | ||
2Ͱʢ©�бP | 5253-YE | 10.31 | 20.32 | 38.10 | 78.74 |
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GKYS-9A | 484×484×150 | 900 | ≤245��
| ���: ≥99.99 | 226 |
GKYS-13A | 726×484×150 | 1350 | 339 | ||
GKYS-18A | 968×484×150 | 1800 | 452 | ||
GKYS-13B | 610×610×150 | 1300 | 360 | ||
GKYS-19A | 915×610×150 | 1900 | 540 |
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Late 2003. The QSTAR XL Hybrid LC/MS/MS System is the premier quadrupole time-of-flight LC/MS/MS system- a high-performance, hybrid mass spectrometer designed for proteomics, drug discovery, ��nd drug development.
Small Molecule Drug Metabolism
High mass accuracy for conclusive compound identification. Metabolite ID software to provide answers from complex data. Automated method generation for unattended analysis. New DC quad to improve ruggedness. NanoSpray source for sample-limited analysis. Enhanced ion optics provide the highest sensitivity ��nd reliability. Unique pulsing/trapping capabilities ��nd patented LINAC® collision cell technology enable you to scan precursor ��nd product ions sensitively. Excellent mass accuracy ��nd stability ensures you obtain unequivocal molecular weight ��nd high-quality structural information. Extended MS ��nd MS/MS mass range ��6,000 ��nd 40,000 m/z�� broadens the reach of your protein ��nd peptide studies. oMALDI™ 2 ion source enables LC MALDI workflow for sensitive peptide-based ��nd metabolite identification experiments. Comprehensive selection of interchangeable, application-specific ion sources����from atmospheric pressure ionization ��API�� to matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization ��MALDI������offers you optimal flexibility.
Groundbreaking Technologies As the highest-sensitivity hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer, the QSTAR® XL LC/MS/MS System enables you to determine unequivocally the molecular weight ��nd high-quality structural information of drug metabolites, as well as the type ��nd location of post-translational modifications ��PTMs��. Our unique pulse/trapping capabilities, patented Q0 collisional focusing, ��nd LINAC® collision cell technology enable you to get sensitive ��nd superior MS ��nd MS/MS scans with a maximum duty cycle.
A Powerful Combination Together with our Analyst® QS software, the QSTAR XL system offers a full complement of features to simplify every aspect of methods development, data acquisition, ��nd processing, including flexible control of popular LC platforms. The system design enables you to exchange ionization sources easily to accommodate a wide range of applications ��nd flow rates. Finally, to obtain more useful information per sample, you can pull it all together with advanced application software, including Metabolite ID, BioAnalyst™, Pro ID, Pro BLAST, Pro ICAT ��nd oMALDI Xpert.
Accurate Mass for Metabolite Identification The QSTAR® XL system provides the detailed accurate mass information you need in drug discovery ��nd development to analyze the elemental composition of unknown drug metabolites. With accurate MS/MS-spectra-based mass assignments ��nd structural information, you can confidently identify ��nd fully characterize impurities as well as known ��nd unknown metabolites. Further, you can take advantage of the LC MALDI workflow to re-analyze your complex metabolite samples to uncover even more information.
The Solution for Challenging Protein Analysis The QSTAR® XL system is the best solution for challenging proteomics ��nd protein analysis experiments such as de novo sequencing, intact protein analysis, PTMs, ��nd relative quantitation. Together with our tagging chemistries, electrospray ��nd MALDI ion sources, ��nd applications software, this tandem MS system offers the sensitivity, robustness, ��nd versatility you need to solve your protein problems. And now, at the click of a button, you can access key information on protein molecular functions, biological processes, known modification sites, references, ��nd comprehensive genetic information from the Celera Discovery System™ Online Platform.
Ʒ �� | Sensitech Inc �������_���ŵ£� |
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